ramy abdulazziz • رامي عبدالعزيز
My passion is leveraging technology to solve complex problems and improve people's lives. I recently graduated from Stony Brook University with my B.S. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and am currently enrolled in Georgia Tech's online M.S. in Computer Science program.
I love digging into the weeds of systems to make improvements to developer experiences. I enjoy learning about Operating Systems, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and theoretical Computer Science.
I'm based in NY and when I'm not coding, you can find me climbing the ladder in showdown and enjoying life with my fiancé Shazia. Feel free to reach out with project ideas, new opportunities, or to learn more about me.
Full stack web app with social features built with Next.js, MongoDB, and TypeScript for users to create, upload, edit, and share multiple map types.
A sentiment analysis machine learning pipeline built using PyTorch and trained on the Financial Phrasebank dataset. Different fine tuning strategies were used for transformer models like DISTILBert and Elektra.
A tool for SBU students to be able to automate adding their assignments from the universities learning management site, using Selenium, BeautifulSoup, and Google Cloud Platform, and automatically add them to their google calendar.
Ramy Abdulazziz